What’s going on in the month of May?

Bicycle Safety Month
Nurses Week 6th – 12th
Hospital Week 11th- 17th
Nursing Home Week 11th – 17th
EMS Week 18th – 24th
World No Tobacco Day 31st
Arthritis Awareness Month
Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month
Healthy Vision Month/UV Awareness Month
High Blood Pressure Education Month
Mental Health Month
Physical Fitness & Sports Month

May Flower and Fruit and Veggies/Vegetables

Lily of the valley,   Bananas,   Carrots and Broccoli

Cinco de Mayo Celebration   


May 2017              

“My Mom”   What’s special about your Mom in 20 words or less, tell us why your mother is special or in what way has your Mom helped you with something difficult? Restrictions: Open to children ages 8-10. Prize: First place winner certificate from Amazon, with three honorable mentions on blog and social media. Please e-mail entries (wherever possible) to: mypalbuddee.contest@gmail.com  Deadline: May 5, 2017.

June 2017            

Writing Prize -Question. Restrictions: Open to children ages 6 -8. Short story piece, between 25 - 50 words on bullies if you encountered one or seen one in action and what we all can do about this issue /this problem?  Prize: First place winner certificate from Barnes and Noble, with three honorable mentions on blog and social media. Please e-mail entries (wherever possible) to: mypalbuddee.contest@gmail.com
Deadline: June 1, 2017.

We had a really good veggies yesterday sautéed asparagus with Dole Mediterranean Salad and salmon. Yummy! 

5 days away –Please wear something orange to show your support. THANKS!

World Vision Global 6k walk = Clean H2O/Water
Sponsorship welcome!
World Vision 
Flint Water Crisis


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