Did you Know?

      We all have read that the normal heart rate is 72 beats per minute.

But how many of you know that our heart beats more than 100000 times in a single day. Well, our heart is one busy feature and surely it does a lot of work for us.



      The tallest mountain peak that we all know is Mount Everest. But guess what, there also exists a tallest tree in the world and that tree is a Sequoia redwood.

The height and location:  The giant sequoias grow only on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California, between 4,000 and 8,000 feet (1219 and 2438 m) in elevation.


       Everyone loves to watch green plants and flowers around us, and we see so many trees and plants around us, it makes us happy.


Did you ever wonder how many plants are around us and was quite sure they are more than a hundred? But you know what? Hundred is an exceedingly small number.  There are more than 390,000 known plant species in the world. I mean wow! These plants are known to us, there must be more in the areas we have never reached!



      You might know that vitamin B is made from 8 constituents, and one of them is Vitamin B-12. This vitamin is responsible for keeping our nerves and blood cells healthy and helps in building DNA. So, here is a fun fact, rain is also a source of this Vitamin. Well, it is cool that we can get this essential vitamin as well as have fun in the rain!


       And what is DNA you ask. The structure DNA is amazing, it has a beautiful double helix structure! A twisted ladder type shape!

DNA stores genetic information and codes for your traits. Traits- characteristics, attributes, behaviors, qualities.



      You must have heard of Pluto. It was once a part of our solar system, but now it is not because it did not follow the criteria. Well, this planet is about 5.032 billion km away from our planet that is Earth. Do you know how long this distance is? Well, if you took an airplane and decided to take a trip to Pluto, it would take about 800 years to complete your journey. Wow! I will be so old when I reach there! 😉


      We all know that the Sun is a million kilometers away from us. To be exact it is 151.56 million kilometers away. 


But for this long distance, it takes only eight minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the sun to Earth. Wow! Light is fast.




Today is ‘Ice Cream Soda Day’ 

Monday June 21, is the ‘First Day of Summer’

Also known as Finally Summer Day and The Summer Solstice. It has always been observed when the sun reaches its northernmost point.




22nd National Chocolate Éclair Day

23rd National Pink Day

27th  Sunglasses Day

28th Paul Bunyan Day


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