We Celebrate You!

CONGRATULATIONS to all the graduates!
From Kindergarten to First grade
Middle school to Junior high,
High school to college

College graduates

To my niece a special congratulations for graduating with honors – Magna Cum Laude



A taste of -Trivia:
1.    What rare fungus shares its name with a sweet?
2.    Who said: Never eat more than you can lift?
3.    What fruit has the highest number of calories? 

4.    A ‘Merry- Go –Round’ turns in what direction?
5.    Who invented the swivel chair?

1. Truffles
2. Miss Piggy
3.  Avocado but truly delicious!
4.  Counterclockwise
5.   Thomas Jefferson

Birds   - Did you know? 
The Bee Hummingbird is the smallest in the world only 2 inches long the size of a human thumb found in Cuba and Caribbean island.

Does all birds lay eggs?  Yes, larger birds lay larger eggs that take up to 4 weeks to hatch. 

Does all birds lay eggs? Yes, small birds lay small eggs that take approximately ten days to hatch.


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