June 2019 Events

Fireworks Safety Month (June 1-July 4)
CPR & AED Awareness Week (June 1-7)
National Best friend Day 8th
Flag DAY 14th
Nursing Assistant’s Week 12th- 19th
Father’s Day 16th
Summer Solstice 21st
International Yoga Day 21st

National Safety Month
Men’s Health Month
Great Outdoors Month
National Caribbean-American Heritage
National Ocean Month
African –American Music Appreciation

Fruits & Veggies for the Month of June








                                            Chinese cabbage

June Flower 


A Taste of Trivia

Did you know?   Storks general return to the same nest every year and usually build nests on top of chimneys.

1.    A taste of Trivia    All birds build nest in trees –
2.    A taste of Trivia What American president invented a copying machine and the Lazy Susan?

3.    A taste of Trivia  Is the Bald Eagle really bald?
4.    A taste of Trivia    What bread is boiled before its baked?
5.    A taste of Trivia    Which grow faster Fingernails or Toenails?
6.    A taste of Trivia   “Who was the first lady of American Tennis?”
7.    A taste of Trivia:   What do Herpetologists study?
8.    A taste of Trivia:   What is the only country not to have a rectangle flag?
9.    A taste of Trivia:   What is the nearest star to the Earth?
10.  A taste of Trivia:   Which lung takes in less air, the left or the right?

FLAG DAY!  June 14th 2019  

1. Answer:  Actually false- no, some birds make nests in trees.
2. Answer:  Thomas Jefferson

3. Answer:   No,  American colonists called the bird “Bald –Headed” to mean that it was  white –  headed.

4. Answer:     Bagel
5. Answer:  Fingernails
6. Answer:  Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman
7. Answer:  Reptiles
8. Answer:  Nepal
9. Answer:  The Sun 
10. Answer:  The left lung

Activity Sheet
Courtesy: Words and Games Acrtivity Book Series


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