MARCH - The windy month


What’s going on in March

National Dentist's Day  March 6

Also, called Dentist's Day or Dentist Day, is dedicated to showing appreciation and thanks to dentists and all other dental specialists. It also brings awareness to the importance of dental care and encourages those who have been neglecting care to go in for a checkup.

In 1790, John Greenwood, the personal dentist of George Washington, invented the dental foot engine. This device, the design of which Greenwood based on his mother's spinning wheel, rotated to power a dental drill.

National Oreo Cookie Day March 6th


Oreo made in the United States can be eaten by itself but is often paired with milk. It can be used to make cakes, milkshakes, and other desserts.

Made up of two chocolate disks and white The cream used today was created by Sam Procello, who was Nabisco's "principal scientist," known as "Mr. Oreo." The current design of the cookie has been in place since 1952. Oreos were created by Nabisco and first sold on March 6, 1912—the same date as National Oreo Cookie Day—by grocer S.C. Thuesen in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Oreos may have gotten their name for a few different reasons: It may come from the French word "or," which means gold—early packaging for the cookies was gold; it may come from the Greek word "oreo," which means beautiful and nice, or mountain—resembling the shape of early testings of the cookies; or it may be a combination of the letters "re" from cream and the two "o's" in chocolate. After starting out as the "Oreo Biscuit," the cookies' official name changed to the "Oreo Sandwich" in 1921, to the "Oreo Creme Sandwich" in 1948, and to the "Oreo Chocolate Sandwich" in 1974.



Observed the first full week of March

Dental Assistant Recognition Week

Professional Pet Sitters Week

Read an eBook Week

Read an eBook Wee
k, also known as Read an E-book Week, it has been observed the first full week of March since 2004.


National Craft Month  - Observed in March since 1994,

Poison Prevention Awareness Month

National Nutrition Month

National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Observed in March, it has been observed the month of March since 1987.

Poison Prevention Month


March, a beautiful time of the year, month of spring and… ‘Poison Prevention Awareness.’  Yes, it is!  Believe it or not, this tradition has not been around for a long time, during the 20th century not much was known about poison and poisoning substances, but together with science and medical knowledge more accurate investigations about poison were made and the overall knowledge on this topic improved.


In 1962 is when it was declared as an official concern when President John F. Kennedy, declared March as the National Poison Prevention Awareness Month.

And this is quite a significant topic, even if it may sound distant or unimportant, most poisoning accidents happen at home and can be easily prevented. So, let’s learn to do our part in this Poison Prevention Awareness Month!


What exactly is poisoning?  It can be described as an injury provoked by dangerous chemicals, gasses, or venoms, in contact with a certain subject via the senses of touch, smell or taste.

Who are its victims?  Everyone can be a victim of poisoning; it is even said that anything can be poisonous depending on the quantity!  Nevertheless, little children and house pets are usually the most affected by poisoning, as they get involved in accidents because of curiosity and not knowing how to distinguish different substances.

How can we prevent poisoning?  The most important thing in preventing poisoning is having a good understanding of the substances in your surroundings.  Keep dangerous items like cleaning chemicals out of reach and check the conditions of gas-using devices such as gas ovens and water heaters.


So now you know, always remember that March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month!




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