TOMATOES - How do they grow?


Tomato is a commonly used veggie/vegetable. It is consumed as raw or cooked. Tomato is very commonly used in salads and for cooking different types of dishes. It is used all over the world. The usage of this vegetable has increased that it has become the fourth commonly consumed vegetable. Planting any vegetable or fruit is an art. It demands a lot of caring.

Here are some interesting points about the plants of tomatoes.


    Starting with a tomato plant from seed needs a small planning. Tomato seeds are generally planted in small pots for at least 8 weeks before the season of spring frost. We need to transplant seedlings from pots to outdoors 1 to 3 weeks after last frost. It is harmed under the frost, so it needs to be covered against unexpected frost.   Tomatoes need warm season to grow up easily. It grows easily when the temperature is about 55` F and the air temperature ranges between 65` and 90`.

        Early-season tomatoes require 50 to 60 days to reach harvest from the transplant, while mid-season tomatoes need 60 to 80 days from transplant. The late-season tomatoes require more than 80 days to reach harvest.

        There are mainly two types of tomato plants.


        Bush or determinate tomatoes require very small space to grow. They can be grown in a garden of only one square foot or two square foot. If it is grown in a container, then it should be of two- or three-square foot.  This type of tomato plants grows from 2 to 4 feet tall. the tomatoes grow and ripen all at once a four- to six-week period.



        Indeterminate tomatoes require more space than the bush tomatoes. They grow almost in any direction in the garden. They generally need 3 to 4 square feet of area to be grown. They grow indefinitely if not stopped by frost. And also, require caging.


        In addition to these two types, tomatoes can be classified according to its size, shape, and color.




         Planting tomatoes can be easily understood in the following steps.


1.   Start tomato seeds indoors, as explained, before 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost.

2.   Sow two to three seeds of tomatoes ½ inch deep and 1 inch apart in a small pot. This pot needs to be set near a bright window.

3.   We need to keep the soil mix moist by water spray for 5 to 7 days, until its germination takes place.

4.   We need to keep the temperature between 60`F to 70`F.

5.   About two weeks after gemination, we can transfer it to a larger pot.




1.Tomatoes need at least 8 hours of sun every day. 2 to 4 inches of planting mix is needed to prepare planting beds.

2. Bush tomato plants are kept 24 inches apart, whereas vining tomato plants are kept 36 to 48 inches apart.

3. Tomatoes require regular even watering.  We need to keep the soil moist, not wet.

4. cages or stakes can be used to support tomato plants.


    And that’s how tomatoes grow! So next time, you, your friends, and family are enjoying a bright red or green tomato - remember all this information.


Germination is the growth of a plant contained within a seed; that results in the seedling.

All seeds need water, oxygen, and the right temperature to germinate.

To grow and develop into a seedling.




My Pal Buddee wants to know. Is tomatoes a fruit or vegetable?

So many ways to eat tomatoes.

 tomatoes on pizza

 Tomato soup

 Dried tomatoes

Tell us how you eat a tomato. 



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