December Holidays and Events


St. Nicholas Day 6th

Letter Writing Day 7th

National Cotton Candy Day 7th

Pearl Harbor Day 7th

International Children’s Day 13th   Second Sunday in December

Christmas Card Day 9th

National Pastry Day 9th

Human Rights Day 10th

Chanukah 10th – 18th

Gingerbread House Day 12th

Poinsettia Day 12th 

Trivia - Did you know?

In 1796 the first vaccine was administered for smallpox.


Edward JennerCowpox, and Smallpox Vaccination.

This brings us to vaccines and immunization with the story of Edward Jenner, a country doctor living in Berkeley (Gloucestershire), England, who in 1796 performed the world's first vaccination.

Source:History of Vaccines and Immunization

COVID-19 aka Coronavirus

Hey Kids

Your wellbeing -should be your number one priority along with playtime and stuff. Some tips for you and your guardian or parents

According to the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Here are a few tips in staying safe protecting yourself and being conscious of others.


1.   Avoid being exposed to the virus and anyone that may potential have been exposed.

2.   Wash hands with soap and water H2O for 20 seconds or sing the Happy Birthday song.

3.   Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands – dirty hands.

4.   Do not share cups or eating utensils with people who are sick.

1.   And try your best to stay away from people who are sick.

5.   When you sneeze or cough- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. Then toss in the trash

6.    Contact pharmacy, physicians or healthcare center with questions and getting a flu vaccine.

And remember the three W’s

·        Wear a mask

·        Wash your hands

·        When around people – 6 feet distance apart


Stay Safe


Tips on Hand washing


Holidays in December

To All: Have a Delightful and Safe Holiday!



December 10, 2020 to December 18, 2020

Begins on the eve of the 11th in the Jewish calendar -month of Kislev – Kindling of the menorah is the focal point of the Chanukah holiday.

The Eight-dayfestival of lights’

Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day, “festival of lights,” celebrated by:

·        Lighting the menorah lighting

·        Special prayers

·        Fried foods.

In Hebrew Chanukah means “dedication,” it celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple, with a variation of the spelling – Hanukkah.

Chanukah commemorates

Because of these miracles, it was instituted, that the festival of Chanukah has special blessings and songs.

Chanukah delicacies/Foods

The miracle of Chanukah involved oil. Therefore, it is customary to eat foods fried in oil.

·        Latkes, potato pancake an Eastern-European classic

·        Sufganya – jelly-filled doughnut


Chocolate Gelt    

A tradition to give gifts to the children, in the form of coins, for:

·        Positive behavior

·        Teaches giving Tzedakah - charity

·        Torah studies


Dreidel game 

The dreidel is a four-sided spinning top with Hebrew letters, nun, gimmel, hei and shun, an acronym for nes gadol hayah sham, “a great miracle happened there”).

Fun for the whole family the game is played for coins, nuts, or other play items.








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