image Courtesy: Words and Games Activity Book Series:
Pre K to Kindergarten
Vision for Children
Vision at birth: A whole new
A newborn’s vision
is very different from an adult’s or even a toddler’s. Your newborn can’t see
in color yet — only in shades of gray. She also has blurry vision, with visual
acuity around 20/400, and can’t focus on anything beyond eight to twelve inches
away. Newborns are also not very sensitive to light: it takes almost 50 times
as much light for them to notice it’s there.
At birth, your
newborn’s eye is only about three-quarters the size of an adult eye. In these
first few weeks, the structures and receptors of her eye, along with the nerves
in her eye and brain, will also start to develop. This will continue for the
next two years. Let’s look at what happens during this visual development.
you can do
your baby get a great start by:
· Maintaining proper
prenatal care and nutrition while you’re expecting
Giving your baby bright, high-contrast things
Plugging in a nightlight for your baby to look around while awake in his
Not radically changing your appearance
vision development: The first year
After a few weeks,
your baby will be able to see most colors, but color vision will continue to
develop for the next few months. These first few months are also when visual
acuity begins to sharpen, and light sensitivity slowly increases.
This is also when
your baby’s eyes are learning to work together. While this coordination is
developing, it’ll be normal for his eyes to wander or drift out of alignment.
This isn’t a concern unless you notice constant misalignment. The coordination
of your baby’s eyes means depth perception is also developing, and
hand-eye-body coordination is improving.
By six months, color
vision and visual acuity should be fully developed in children’s vision. This
means it’s time for baby’s first eye exam. While your baby won’t be able to
read letters or an E chart like you can, his or her eye doctor can perform
nonverbal tests to check for near or farsightedness, astigmatism and other
visual problems.
Through two years of
age, your bundle of joy will be busy fine-tuning visual abilities such as eye
tracking, and increasing depth perception and hand-eye coordination. Children’s
vision continues to develop into their school years, as they strengthen their
visual perception system to recognize the shapes, colors, letters, and numbers
they need for literacy.
you can do:
your infant develop visual skills by:
· Providing lots
of brightly colored, diverse and changing visual stimuli
Moving her arms and legs simultaneously to encourage bilateral and
Talk to him as you walk around the room
Use a nightlight in her room
Use reach-and-touch and other toys that let him explore different shapes
and colors
Play “patty-cake” and “peek-a-boo” with your infant
Give her stacking or take-apart toys that she can hold and manipulate
of vision problems in children
What should you keep
an eye out for in your children’s vision? Some common signs and symptoms of
vision problems in children include:
Red or crusty eyelids (usually a sign of eye infection)
Extreme light sensitivity, especially in infants (may signal high eye
White pupils (can signal cancer, retina problems, cataracts and other
Trouble tracking objects and people
Avoidance of picture books and reading in older children
Increasing closeness to blackboards and the television
Your eye doctor is
your ally in monitoring and maintaining the health of your eyes and vision, and
this is particularly important in childhood during the rapid changes and growth
as vision develops. Your child should start getting regular comprehensive eye
exams at six months, but always bring your questions to your eye doctor. He or
she can help you figure out what’s going on and equip you to make the best
decisions for your child’s vision.
in this article is to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to
replace the recommendations of a medical professional. For specific questions,
please see your eye care practitioner.
Traumatic brain injury
is causedby a blow or other
traumatic injury to the head or body. The degree of damage can depend on several
factors, including the nature of the event and the force of impact.
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