Title: Good Night at the Zoo

By Beatriz Macia
A colorful charming rhyming bedtime story

A wonderfully illustrated and vibrant colorful rhyming children’s educational story book for ages 2-6; children will be delighted to listen and see the different baby zoo animals, what a cute way to introduce bed time routines from play to meals – to bedtime story-tales.
To learn more about the author and other books
Her website or link:

Title: Hilly Colors Her Dreams

By Meytal Raz- Nave
Delightful rhyming bedtime story

What an interesting sweet and colorful book. I love the way the rhyming blends with the story and the use of colors for children to learn while listening or reading this book. In addition to the interesting way the story taps in to different emotions and feelings children have with a different story-tale on each page! This book is the first in the series, and the illustrations are wonderful. 

To learn more about the author and other books
Her website or link:


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