National Zoo and Aquarium Month



Hey kids, did you know about: 

African-American Music Appreciation Month?

African-American Music Appreciation Month is celebrated every June to honor the amazing contributions of African-American musicians to music. From jazz and blues to hip-hop and R&B, African-American artists have created many of the sounds we love today.

Think of famous musicians like Louis Armstrong, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, and Beyoncé! Their music has not only entertained people but also helped shape culture and history.

Facts to know about Fireworks Eye Safety Month?

Is observed in June to remind everyone how to stay safe while enjoying fireworks. Fireworks are fun and beautiful, but they can also be dangerous if not used correctly.

Did you know that fireworks can cause serious eye injuries? It's important to watch fireworks from a safe distance and never play with them yourself. Always let adults handle fireworks and wear protective eyewear if you are near where they are being used.

Safety Tip:

  • Never touch fireworks that haven't gone off. They can still explode and hurt you.
  • Always watch fireworks from a safe distance and with an adult.



Hey kids, its National Zoo and Aquarium Month?

National Zoo and Aquarium Month is celebrated to encourage people to visit and learn about animals. Zoos and aquariums are amazing places where you can see animals from all over the world and learn how to protect them.

You can meet everything from playful dolphins and colorful fish to big cats and exotic birds. Visiting these places helps support conservation efforts to save endangered animals.

Safety Tip:

  • Always follow the rules at zoos and aquariums.
  • Stay behind barriers and never try to touch or feed the animals unless a staff member says it's okay.

  • Wash your hands after visiting to stay healthy.

Note: Learning and celebrating these special months can be both fun and educational!



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