Topic of the Month – Giraffe



So, let's talk about one of the most amazing animals in the world - the giraffe!


Giraffes are incredible creatures known for their towering height and long necks. They are the tallest land animals on Earth, and their legs alone can be taller than many adults. In fact, a fully grown giraffe can reach heights of up to 18 feet, which is as tall as two grown-up humans standing on top of each other! WOW!  That’s tall!


What makes giraffes even more special?

Well, it would be their unique spotted pattern on their bodies. No two giraffes have the exact same spots, just like how no two people have the same fingerprints. These spots help them blend into their natural habitat in Africa, where they live.


Giraffes are herbivores. And what does that mean, you ask!  It means they only eat plants. Their favorite food is leaves, especially from trees. That's why their long necks come in handy – they can reach high up into the trees to grab those tasty leaves. Giraffes also have big, beautiful eyes and long eyelashes to help protect them from the sun and pesky insects.

These amazing animals are very gentle and peaceful. They usually live in groups called "herds" and are friendly with other animals, like zebras and antelopes.


Are they fast? You bet! Giraffe’s can run pretty fast when they need to, even though they look slow and graceful most of the time.


So, in a nutshell.

·        Giraffes are super tall,

·        Have cool spots,

·        Love to eat leaves,

·        And are friendly giants of the animal kingdom.


Basically, they're truly a wonder of nature!



Giraffe Triva


How many bones in the neck does a giraffe have?

A.   207

B.   7

C.   5

D.  24



7 same number of bones we vin our neck!



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