National Girl Scout Day


March – What’s New?

·        Read an Ebook Week

·   Observed the first week of March 5-11th 

·        Smashword ebooks

Smashwords – Laloni's Family Addition – a book by Vivienne K Munn

Smashwords – I Have a Pet – a book by Vivienne K Munn

Girl Scout Day 12th

Support the GS mission – Donation, Volunteer, Order cookies!

Annual ‘Girl Scout’ Cookie drive. 

 You should be able to order for ‘Direct delivery’!

·  Thin Mints,

·   Adventurefuls,

·  S’mores  



Girl Scout cookies make the world go round. They’re so good, they deserve a holiday. And they have one … of sorts.

Celebrate this March 12, it’s National Girl Scout Day!

Part of Girl Scout Week, National Girl Scout Day commemorates the anniversary of the first Girl Scout meeting. In 1912, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low organized the meeting in Savannah, Georgia. And Girl Scouts has only grown from there!

So, grab a cookie order a box(s) and let's celebrate the SC!

P.S. I was a 'Brownie' and loved it, before we moved. 

Winter Health regiment

Meditation, and Yoga

Relax and strengthen your body while calming your mind.

Taking a nap, rest and relaxation shows your body is physically ready to tackle these challenges.



·        Laughter is good medicine.

·        Laughter releases tension,

Relaxes your muscles and improves your mood and immune system.

Get outdoors!

·        Turn off your devices, your computer, your cell phones, or anything else you're playing around with technology.

·        Go outdoors, turn off a device and go on a hike. Fresh air, sunlight and nature are good for the body and mind!

3 Healthy winter regiments and can be performed throughout the year!


Drink H20/ water – ... oz. per day, not only a good regiment but it’s an excellent habit.

Gratitude practice it!

Think of one thing you are grateful for each day, even better if you write it down in a journal and reflect on it for a few minutes.



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