
27th Make a Difference Day [Neighbors helping neighbors]

28th Mother –in- Law Day

31st Halloween



National Pizza Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

National Vegetarian Month

Dental Hygiene Month

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Home Eye Safety Month

Physical Therapy Month

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

ADHA Awareness Month

Fire Prevention Month

Eye Injury Prevention Month


Wednesday, October 21st      GO ORANGE!


“UNITY DAY is October 21! Join the movement to make it orange and make it end! If you are being bullied, you are not alone. Celebrate Unity Day to show we are together against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.”


Please make an all-out effort to talk to parents, teacher’s peers; you are not alone -ever!

Courtesy of:   http://www.pacer.org/bullying/nbpm/

ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD- If you believe that you or a friend of yours may have ADHD, lead them to the ADHD Awareness Month website for resources that could potentially help diagnose and treat a disorder that changes people’s lives consistently.



October is National Computer Learning Month

The month of October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it is also, Computer Learning Month.


October is National Computer Learning Month

Education and technologies in general are continuously growing and changing.  Students now have opportunities with technology that they may not have had even a few years ago.

Computer Learning Month reinforces the idea to teach the important skills and ideas learned from computers to students.  Fostering these students’ creativity, helping them develop their skills, and preparing them for their future is key to their success.

Since the first National Computer Learning Month, the goal of those involved was not to create “whiz kids” but rather help students develop academic skills, creativity, and critical-thinking abilities.

Link:  https://cisjax.org/october-is-national-computer-learning-month/

 https://www.cxtec.com › resources › blog › make-the-most-of-computer-lear...

Make the Most of Computer Learning Month - CXtec



October is ‘Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.’

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) sponsors this event to promote the adoption of dogs from local shelters.

 Each one needs a forever home, and their potential is limitless.

 The benefits of adopting a pet

  • ·        Human and canine both enjoy increased activity
  • ·        Social interaction
  • ·        Daily walks.
  • ·        Humans develop patience
  • ·        New learning - the ways of their new four-legged companion.

Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, visit, volunteer, donate and adopt!

Post it on Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media you can think of using #AdoptAShelterDogMonth.

Link: http://www.aspca.org/adopt/adopt-a-shelter-dog-month


What year was the 19th Amendment passed?


Answer: 1919


On May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment, and two weeks later, the Senate followed. When Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment was adopted

The 19th Amendment | National Archives



Kids fun activity sheet

How many kittens are in the tree?


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