Animal Kingdom - Panda
Interesting Fun Facts about Panda –you never heard before Panda is one of the beloved cute mammals in the world, first discovered in 1869. The cutest Panda Bloodline belongs to bear family, and their habitat is in western China. The cutest cuddly mammal Panda specie was first declared to be endangered in 1990 mainly because of excessive deforestation and farmland extension, which lead to depletion of their primary food source – Bamboos. Now more than 67 Panda reserves are working across the country and working to preserve and protect the Pandas. Thanks to the prompt conservation efforts by Chinese, the Panda population has increased to 17% from 2003 till 2014, and the total number of Panda’s living in the wild has reached to 1,864 individuals. Want to learn more about Panda? Just keep on reading! Fun Facts about Panda 1. The newborn panda babies are pink in color and furless. The iconic black and white patches start appearing aft...