Flag Day 14th
Nursing Assistant’s Week 18th
Summer Solstice 20th
National Safety Month
Health Month
Outdoors Month
Caribbean-American Heritage
Ocean Month
–American Music Appreciation
National Safety Month
As we move about outdoors, be safe and wear your
face mask along with social distancing.
Don't ignore your fears or
doubts. Use language adapted to the child's age and knowledge. Understand that
if we do not explain it well, they will resort to fanciful arguments to
compensate for the lack of information.
Talk frequently about it, but without saturating
them with too much information. Standardize talking about it without it being a
taboo subject. Promote meeting spaces for communication with them where they
feel safe and calm to express, listen and ask Avoid referring to people who are
very ill or have died Be honest and avoid long explanations, answering your
questions or fears that they may have.
Transmit that they can express their
doubts and trust us. If we do not have all the answers, to be honest, maybe we
can look for answers together. Use simple drawings or graphic representations
to explain how the contagion occurs (for example, that he was born in China,
that he likes to travel a lot, and that at the moment, Italy and Spain are two
countries that he likes a lot ...)
It is a good time to transmit hygiene measures
for life! We must follow the recommendations and prevention measures determined
by the health authorities and trust them because they know what they must do,
since they have the knowledge and the means.
Wash your hands with soap “while
we make up a song about the virus, we say a multiplication table or we count
from 20 to 0 backwards, rubbing vigorously, on the surface and sides, when
coughing or sneezing, covering our mouth and nose with the elbow bent or with a
disposable handkerchief that we throw away "as if it were a karate magic
key to protect ourselves against bad viruses", avoid touching your eyes,
nose or mouth "like a game in which you lose a whoever does it ”, avoid
physical contact with other children or other people, even if I feel like
playing or touching the other person.
This will only be for a short time, we
will be able to hug or touch my friends again very soon, knowing that you can
count on an adult if you are
not physically well or there is something that worries you, show care in how we
relate to other people, avoiding rejection or discrimination behaviors.
Our fear can cause us to
behave inappropriately, rejecting or discriminating against certain people, and
although we may not realize it, they are watching us and learning, we are
setting an example of preventive hygiene and health measures and calm.
Follow the above recommendations, and also: the
most important thing is to stay calm, and know how to manage stress, monitor
our conversations with other adults, or other adults, boys and girls listen to
us and perceive our fear, not be alarmed or stimulated to fear.
To be
realistic, many people are healing, protecting them from all the information that
they can cause discomfort and concern because they may not interpret the
information well.
Keep in mind that the information on SOME social
networks is usually superficial, incomplete, or erroneous.
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