Child Passenger Safety Week, Sept. 23-29

September 23 - September 29, 2018

Many times injuries and even fatalities can be prevented by the use of proper car seats, seat belts, and booster.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, ‘Every 33 seconds, one child under the age of 13 is involved in a crash.’

Why not use the NHTSA toolkit to get materials and get information on how to generate awareness about child car safety in your community. 

National Seat Check Saturday is Sept. 29.

Courtesy: Child Passenger Safety Week, Sept. 23-29, National Child Passenger Safety Brd.

Seat Belt Safety – Tweens (ages 8-14)

Don’t Wimp Out / Never Give Up Until They Buckle Up

The Tween Seat Belt Safety campaign aims is to improve the proper use of seat belts.

To reaffirms that “life as a parent is full of compromises, but seat belt safety for my child is not up for negotiation.”

To make sure their children are consistently and properly wearing their seat belts at all times- parents too, must be motivated.

According to the NHTSA – ‘As children get older they are less likely to a want to buckle up.’ 

Here you can find materials to help share this message.


NHTSA Seat Belt Safety for Everyone

Things You Should Know About Buckling Up

NHTSA – Top 5 Seat Belt Safety Tips

1.   Buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself in a crash.

2.   Air bags are designed to work with seat belts, not replace them.

3.   Guidelines to buckle up safely

4.   Fit matters

5.   Seat belt safety for children and pregnant women


Link:    - The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to find out when your child is ready for an adult seat belt.

‘Learn how important it is for you and everyone in your vehicle to buckle up the right way, every trip, every time!’


Courtesy: NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Seat Belt Safety, NHTSA Seat Belt Safety for Everyone


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