June 2018
Fireworks Safety Month (June 1-July 4)
CPR & AED Awareness Week (June 1-7)
National Best friend Day 8th
Flag DAY 11th
Nursing Assistant’s Week 12th- 19th
World Blood Donor Day 14th
Father’s Day 17th
Summer Solstice 21st
International Yoga Day 21st

National Safety Month
Men’s Health Month
Pride Month KIDS - individual differences
Pride Month
Great Outdoors Month
National Caribbean-American Heritage
National Ocean Month
African –American Music Appreciation

Fruits & Veggies for the Month of June


Chinese cabbage





Pluot ,  Aprium






 June Birthstones 

Alexandra, Pearl, and Moonstone



National CPR & AED Awareness Week
 (June 1-7)

American Heart Association
American Health & Safety Institute
American Red Cross
National Safety Council

My motto as a Regional Instructor Trainer [retired] 
“If your loved one is choking - would you know what to do?”
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR

Steps: Compression, airway, and breathing used when a person is not breathing, the heart is not beating,
or heart attack, or strokes [the blood flow to a section of the brain stops.]

It’s good for parents and those caring for the elderly to take a course in CPR it helps as a first response to care for children choking whether on food or items placed in the mouth.

And for adults as well, to take a course in CPR, for you may encounter a conscious choking adult from food items or experiencing breathing problems that can occur, in addition to a heart attack.

AED [Automated External Defibrillation] located many facilities are available and used in cases of a heart attack.
With the warmer weather upon us now as always is a great time to update you skills or take a course for the first time!

Find a facility near you and register for an
  • Infant
  • Child or
  • Adult CPR course

If the person:
Becomes unconscious or is unconscious
Experiencing chest pain or pressure
Severe bleeding
Stomach pain or pressure
Vomiting blood
Passing blood
Has slurred speech
Severe headache
Or seizures
Has been poisoned


ASHI - Health & Safety Institute

National Safety Council - Our Mission is Safety

American Heart Association - Building healthier lives, free of ...

National Best Friend Day 8th


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