October: Guest Blog - Articles


Parents are increasingly busy, and often struggle to find enough time to read a story to the children. But knowing the benefits of this simple activity can encourage them to find time in their busy schedules. Reading stories to children is more important than it seems. I
1.     Helping to address reading,
2.     Allows them to structure their thinking,
3.     Enjoying it as they do, and not as a school exercise.

Only human beings are capable of telling stories. Our lives are woven stories. It is important to tell stories to children, even short stories, because these micro histories make every day shared fun, and trivia.
Also allow children to develop their thoughts. Do you know why it is so important to read stories to young children?

Here are the three reasons why stories are so important for kids:

·      Stimulate the imagination and language

The stories read to children helps them develop different skills or realize activities that they like to perform. Kids learn a lot with children’s stories through magic and fantasy that awakened in them.
Homework stories aid to develop a kid’s imagination by presenting new ideas into their world – ideas about fantastical worlds, other planets, different facts in time and invented characters. It adds new words to a child’s vocabulary and learns different expressions.
Kids develop passion for reading. Reading is very significant to learning and training; as each day they learn something new. What better way to acquire this habit is engaging in story telling in childhood reading! With constant reading children's talents will be developed, while ethical acquire knowledge provided by the narrated stories.

·      Children and parents bonds will become stronger and will be better prepared for the difficulties of life

The connection that links parents and kids will be much stronger thanks to reading children's books together, - have laughed at the same jokes and amazed with the same events. Children’s stories show the smooth side and hard side that life is not as simple as we would like; and there will always be contemporary events that are not to our taste. These children’s stories of full fictional characters and animals show us that are in our hands to help kids learn different events do occur and how we can Learn and Grow from it.

·        Learning the value of being good and different morals.

In fairy tales there are always good and bad, and the good guys always win while the bad guys always lose. Stories arrive at this conclusion. In addition, not to talk to strangers or eat food from others, for example. Children will be aware of the different morals that such stories can teach. It is always helpful for parents to ask their children what they learned with each story.  It opens up a dialog that can be extremely beneficial to all days, weeks, even in years from now.

These are some of the reasons that exist in terms of the dynamics of being with children and tell those stories that are: fascinating, educational or different in which they are entertained, both have a good time, to acquire different important, and knowledge.

GUEST BLOG –Articles

Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 
Home Eye Safety Month
Bullying Prevention Month

When can I stop worrying about SIDS?

Babies between 1 and 4 months old are most at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and 90 percent of cases occur in babies under the age of 6 months. By definition, SIDS doesn't happen after a child's first birthday.
The number of infant deaths from SIDS has declined by more than half since 1992 – that's when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended putting babies to sleep on their back – but SIDS is still the leading cause of death for babies between the ages of 1 and 12 months. Even though there's no sure way to prevent SIDS, you can take steps to reduce your baby's risk.
Researchers don't know what causes SIDS or why the risk drops when it does, but a baby's brain development and maturing physical ability probably play a role. During the first six months of life, explains Michael Goodstein, neonatologist and director of the York County Cribs for Kids Program at York Hospital in York, PA, a baby experiences rapid brain growth and developmental changes that affect sleep patterns, cardiorespiratory control, metabolism, and physical ability.
So when a more mature baby is placed in a sleep environment with pillows or loose bedding, for example, she may be able to lift her head, shift away, or roll over. An older baby can also overcome the risk by waking up and complaining more readily, or by better regulating her breathing.
Another cause of sleep-related deaths in babies is accidental suffocation. These preventable deaths have been on the rise, claiming the lives of almost 1,000 babies a year in the United States.
"Keep in mind that while the rates of SIDS drop off significantly after six months, there are still some babies who die suddenly and unexpectedly up to one year," cautions Goodstein. "Safe sleep recommendations should always be followed up to a baby's first birthday."


 AAP. 2013. Sleep position: Why back is best. American Academy of Pediatrics. http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/sleep/pages/Sleep-Position-Why-Back-is-Best.aspx
American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 2011. SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths: Expansion of recommendations for a safe infant sleeping environment. Pediatrics 128(5):e1341-67. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/128/5/e1341.full?sid=bd9574fb-4575-4d35-a46e-a63394e68331 [Accessed May 2016]
CDC. 2012a. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/SIDS/index.htm
CDC. 2012b. Suffocation deaths associated with use of infant sleep positioners—United States 1997-2011. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 60(46):933-7. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6146a1.htm [Accessed May 2016]
CDC. 2012c. Vital signs: Unintentional injury deaths among persons aged 0-19 years 2000-2009. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 61(15):270-6. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm61e0416a1.htm [Accessed May 2016]
Kinney HC, et al. 2009. The sudden infant death syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine 361:795-805. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMra0803836 [Accessed May 2016]
Ostfeld B, et al. 2010. Concurrent risks in sudden infant death syndrome. Pediatrics 125(3):447-53. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/125/3/447.full [Accessed May 2016]

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, a chance to spread awareness.  During the month of October, we celebrate people with Down syndrome and make people aware of  their abilities and accomplishments.  It’s not about celebrating disabilities, it’s about celebrating abilities. 
Courtesy of:

October is Home Eye Safety Awareness Month


During Home Eye Safety Month Friends for Sight hopes you will start taking necessary safety measures to reduce your risk of eye injury.
The most common place for eye injury to occur is in the yard or garden. One in four eye injuries happen during home repair. However, there are things you can do, both indoors and outdoors, to help protect your eyes and body from unnecessary injury. Here are a few tips for keeping your eyes healthy and safe:
  1. Wear eye protection, we cannot stress this enough. Eye protection, such as safety goggles, protects your eyes against particles and dust, flying debris and chemicals splashes. Also note that regular corrective lenses do not protect your eyes against injury; you can easily find safety goggles that are worn over your glasses.

  1. When using hazardous products (e.g., bleach, detergents, cleansers) never mix chemical agents or other caustic substances, always read and follow the manufacturer warnings and guidelines, and always use in well-ventilated areas.

  1. To improve safety on stairs and walkways remove tripping hazards, secure rugs, install gates on stairs, and provide sufficient lighting and effective handrails. This is especially important in homes and locations where toddlers and senior citizens reside.

  1. Remove debris and inspect yard and garden before beginning yard work, such as mowing or using a weed trimmer. This measure will not only protect you, but it will prevent potential injury to bystanders.

  1. Remember to wash your hands after completing a task and before touching your eyes or face.

  1. Be sure tools and cleaners are out of the reach of children.

  1. When cooking use shields, as this will prevent hot oils from splashing on your body, face, and especially your into your eyes.
Understandably, we cannot prevent all injuries from occurring. If you should experience an eye injury DO NOT rub or touch the eye, DO NOT apply medication to the eye, and DO NOT attempt to remove any debris from the eye. If the eye injury is caused by a chemical in the eye, thoroughly flush the eye with water. For all eye injuries seek medical attention immediately.

Courtesy of: 


Wednesday October 25th

·        “Update your status to “UNITY DAY is October 25! Join the movement to make it orange and make it end! If you are being bullied, you are not alone. Celebrate Unity Day to show we are together against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.”

Please make an all-out effort to talk to parents, teacher’s peers; you are not alone -ever!

Courtesy of:   http://www.pacer.org/bullying/nbpm/


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