Happy Father's Day
June Calendar 2020 Father’s Day 21 st Summer Solstice 20 th International Yoga Day 21st National Safety Month Men’s Health Month Great Outdoors Month National Caribbean-American Heritage National Ocean Month African –American Music Appreciation ‘Happy Father’s Day’ To those near and far. We are proud of every one of YOU! - An uncle, brother, neighbor associates or our dear Dad. We thank you for the examples you set forth, the encouraging words to a girl, young lady, or adult Female, that boy, young man, or adult Male. Weather its family or not. As we know family does not always have to be the same DNA. Family is how you create an environment that is memorable. ‘FATHER’ F fairness faithful A adaptable to the situation T trustworthy in your word H hero to us all E earnest and ethics - lead by example R reality and real, our future - speaking of what must be told – known, for u...