
Showing posts from September, 2018

Children's Book Review

Grandparents Day   was on September 9, 2018 Let’s Celebrate Grandparents – Grandma’s Titles: ·        Grandma Calls Me Beautiful by Barbara M. Joosse Other fascinating books: ‘Spending time with Grandma’ ·        I Call My Grandma Nana by Ashley Wolff 1582462518 ·        My Abuelita by Tony Johnston

Child Passenger Safety Week, Sept. 23-29

September 23 - September 29, 2018 Many times injuries and even fatalities can be prevented by the use of proper car seats, seat belts, and booster. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, ‘Every 33 seconds, one child under the age of 13 is involved in a crash.’ Why not use the NHTSA toolkit to get materials and get information on how to generate awareness about child car safety in your community.  Link: National Seat Check Saturday is Sept. 29. Courtesy: Child Passenger Safety Week, Sept. 23-29, National Child Passenger Safety Brd. Seat Belt Safety – Tweens (ages 8-14) Don’t Wimp Out / Never Give Up Until They Buckle Up The Tween Seat Belt Safety campaign aims is to improve the proper use of seat belts. To reaffirms that “life as a parent is full of compromises, but seat belt safety for my child is not...

Some Events in September

International Literacy Day 8th Grandparents Day Sunday 9th Rosh Hashanah Begins September 9th Yom Kippur Begins September 18th Childhood Obesity Awareness Month Fruit and Veggies – More Matters Month Food Safety Education Month Healthy Aging® Month Preparedness Month Sports Eye Safety Month file:///E:/ILA%20%20Literacy%20%20Day%20%202018%20%20-%20toolkit-fact-sheet.pdf

What’s going on in the month of - September?

Autumn , for many is a favorite time of the year! There’s Indian summer, and watching the leaves change to magnificent fall colors orange, yellow- brown, purple, pink, red, black, magenta, etc. Many crops are harvested during Autumn and picturesque leaves that change colors. When is it ‘ Time for Autumn’ ? During September - November in the Northern hemisphere. From the equator to the North Pole is the Northern Hemisphere and from the equator to the South Pole is the Southern Hemisphere. You asked – are we, the US [United States] in the Northern Hemisphere? Yes! Along with many other countries such as: Asia [except for Indonesia, it crosses to the Southern Hemisphere]. Other countries include- Japan, China, Russia, India, the Philippines, and the Middle Eastern countries. News Flash!  Located within both the Eastern Hemisphere, lies India like the rest of Asia, and the Northern Hemisphere . India is considered part of the South Asia region. Courte...