
Showing posts from June, 2018


Courtesy of: Words and Games Activity Book Series, Harry's Lovely Spring Day B0792CR2KD

Safety Month

Safety Month National   Fireworks Safety Month - June to July  Upcoming topic on - Food Allergies The first of June marks the beginning of National Fireworks Safety Month, which  runs until July 4.   Use Fireworks Responsibly to Avoid Injury It is always necessary to be cautious, because of the severity of the injuries that fireworks can cause. The most common, Burn s on the hand are the most common, because the hand is always closest to them. These injuries can range from minor burns, to blisters, to severe burns that cause excessive damage to the skin. Hand injuries can also include cuts, broken bones, torn tendons, and in the worst possible occurrence, amputation. These injuries are the result of standing too close when a firework explodes, or trying to hold onto them as they are lit. Also common are Eye and face injuries, because of the particles that fly through the air after one has exploded. Hearing loss is also suffered by some ...

Happy Father's Day!

To all the Dad’s and Moms CONGRATULATIONS to all the Graduates!   For elevating to the next Grade Level From: Kindergarten to First grade Moving from grades: 2nd – 5th And 6th – 8th Middle school to Junior High, High school to college College graduates Did you know ? T hat the Deans List started in Europe and is used most often now in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The Honor roll and Honor List are synonymous achievements. Strive always to do your best with or without a title list! Be your best and do your best - always giving 110%


June 2018 Fireworks Safety Month (June 1-July 4) CPR & AED Awareness Week (June 1-7) National Best friend Day 8th Flag DAY 11th Nursing Assistant’s Week 12th- 19th World Blood Donor Day 14th Father’s Day 17th Summer Solstice 21st International Yoga Day 21st National Safety Month Men’s Health Month Pride Month KIDS - individual differences Pride Month Great Outdoors Month National Caribbean-American Heritage National Ocean Month African –American Music Appreciation Fruits & Veggies for the Month of June Blueberries   Chinese cabbage Cherries       Lychee   Plums Pluot ,   Aprium           Okra Radish                                         Rhub...