Feb 2018 Children’s Dental Health Month

Children’s Dental Health Month

Parents and Guardians:

Caring for infant’s gums and children’s teeth should start early. Our motto: it contributes to- “Healthy Teeth – Healthy You!”

In the US and Canada Dental Hygienists – suggest these simple tips on caring for your child’s teeth to reduce the risk of oral infection and Early Childhood Caries/cavities [ECC]. 

With the arrival of the new teeth coming in children’s diet changes to eating more like an adult, and bacteria continue to produce acids and toxins that are harmful to hard and soft tissues in the mouth.

• Keep your own teeth and gums as healthy as possible to minimize transmission of strep bacteria.
• Develop a routine for cleaning your baby’s mouth. Wipe their mouth and gums using a clean, wet cloth or piece of gauze after each feeding.
• Gently clean newly erupted teeth with gauze or a washcloth, or with a small soft toothbrush (no toothpaste) specially designed for baby teeth.
• Keep non-nutritious, sugary fruit punches and other drinks out of baby bottles.
• If you do use a bottle or sip cup at naptime during the day or at bedtime, avoid juices, milk or formula, as all of these contain some amount of sugar. Use plain water instead.
• Reduce the frequency of nighttime feedings. Frequent feeding at night, when saliva flow is at its lowest, increases the risk of ECC. The pooling of any liquid (except water) around teeth at night also increases the risk.
• If your baby uses a soother, check its packaging and shape to ensure it has an orthodontic design, which will help prevent teeth from moving. The best ones are nipple-shaped, keep baby’s lips closed and encourage natural breathing through the nose.
• Never dip soothers in anything sweet; honey is one of the worst offenders.
• If your baby is on liquid medication (usually sweetened for taste), rinse and brush their mouth with clear water immediately after the medication is given.
• Check for early warning signs of ECC by lifting up baby’s lips. White, chalky teeth signal a mild case; brown or black-stained teeth and erosion indicate a more serious case. Contact your dental hygienist immediately.
Note: Early Childhood Caries (ECC), formerly known as nursing bottle caries, baby bottle tooth decay,…

• Gradually introduce foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet. These foods, which require hard or long chewing, cause saliva to flow, which removes the acid and returns cavity-protecting calcium to the teeth.
Find more information at www.cdho.org.

A public service to the community by the ADA’s state or local dental societies, chapters of the Alliance to the American Dental Association, departments of health or the armed forces’ dental clinics.  For information contact   https://www.ada.org/en

Coming Soon long awaited 
My Pal Buddee: The Checker King,  book 2 in series -

Buddee and Friends: I don’t like going to the Dentist!


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