Animals - Part 1 Have you ever seen a tiny bear-like animal hardly 33 inches long, fluffy ears, and a spoon-shaped body? Let me give you one more hint! You will always see it eating eucalyptus leaves. Any guess? If you are thinking about koalas, you are absolutely right! It is a Koala. The most surprising thing about koalas is that they are called koala bears. But they are not! Koalas are relative of the wombats. Koalas are mammals that belong to infraclass "marsupial a". By their class name, it is shown that they have a pocket or pouch on their belly like your jumper suit. Interestingly, is it not? What do they eat? So, kids do you know what koala eats? How they live? What is the purpose of the pouch? No! Don't worry. Let me tell you the most surprising facts about the koala. Koala eats eucalyptus leaves about 1kg/day = 2.20 lbs. They do not get much energy from them and so koalas sleep almost 18-20 hours a day. Now the question comes...